


IEEE DataPort


University of Houston

Columbia University

IEEE Brain

Technical University of Crete

Past Editions:

Biocomplexity 2023Biocomplexity 2022

Biocomplexity 2019Biocomplexity 2018

Biocomplexity 2017Biocomplexity 2016

Biocomplexity 2015Biocomplexity 2014

Biocomplexity 2013Biocomplexity 2012

Biocomplexity 2011Biocomplexity 2010

Biocomplexity 2009Biocomplexity 2009

Biocomplexity 2007Biocomplexity 2005

Biocomplexity 2004Biocomplexity 2003

Biocomplexity 2002Biocomplexity 2001



Dear Students and Postdoctoral Fellows:

The 21th International Summer Academy BIO-X on AI, ML, Data Science in Healthcare, Medicine and Biology sponsored by the NSF and co-sponsored by the IEEE EMB Society, the IEEE BRAIN, the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Houston, and the Technical University of Crete will be held from June 2 - June 8, 2024 in Chania, Crete, Greece.

Data science is an emerging discipline that will be instrumental in accelerating healthcare innovation and transforming the healthcare industry to improve the quality and cost of services provided to patients. Data science, broadly defined, includes the tools, techniques and theoretical underpinnings for enabling machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to be applied to large, diverse, complex, longitudinal, and distributed data sets in order to extract useful information and knowledge. Machine learning and AI have already led to significant successes in many health-related fields including medical image classification, segmentation, prediction and decision making. The field of data science promises to accelerate the applications and successes, specifically by enabling the scaling to “big” and heterogenous data.

To address the research and translational advances and challenges in healthcare focused data science, the 21th International Summer Academy BIO-X on Data Science in Healthcare, Medicine and Biology will be held on June 2 - June 8, 2024. The summer academy aims to highlight and discuss the challenges and opportunities of Data Science innovations in healthcare, medicine and biology, and how these innovations can be translated into cutting-edge healthcare and biomedical engineering curriculums.

The summer academy will mainly focus on Data Science and Engineering in Medical Imaging, Precision Medicine, Digital Healthcare and Brain and Neural Systems.

We believe that the Summer Academy will provide a unique platform for scientists, engineers and students to focus on translational data science and engineering research and healthcare innovations, as well as the need for a paradigm shift in engineering and science education and their impact on healthcare and economic growth.

We hope you would join us!

Metin Akay
Chair and Organizer
International Summer Academy BioX on Data Science and Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Contact Us

Metin Akay
Founding Chair & John S Dunn Endowed Chair Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Cullen College of Engineering
University of Houston
3517 Cullen Blvd, Room 2027
Houston, TX 77204-5060
email: makay@uh.edu

Ting Chen
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Cullen College of Engineering
University of Houston
email: tchen23@uh.edu